Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

From an Hour Janitor to Buying Perfumes

The title says it all.

What a long day.
I was helping the librarian in my school cleaning the library at the 9th lesson hour. I actually was supposed to attend the art class--karawitan in the hall, but the hall was being used at that time. The art class was canceled. So there I was, having my 1 and half  hour free time.

There was nothing to do, so I decided to spend my free time in the library.

When I walked to the library, I thought it was closed because the door was shutted out. But then I was peeking in by the window, and saw the librarian doing the cleaning of the tables.

"So the library is closed now, Miss?" I asked.
"Well, yeah, we are in the middle of cleaning it up. What are you doing here?"
"Umm, well, just having nothing to do-..."
And she suddenly opened the door for me.
"Here, help me clean the windows and tables." said her by giving me a piece of cloth and glass soap.

And I just followed her order to clean off the library.
Windows, tables, bookcases...
Duster, cloth, glass soap...

Madame Wita, my French teacher, saw me helping the cleaning, and started to tease me around.
"Hey Masfi, you sure you already wiped this part? It's still dusty. Do it again."
I was just chuckled.
Doing the cleaning wasn't so bad.

Oh, and I met Sensei Lucy too, the Japanese teacher. She asked me to discuss about the planning to go out having fun with the friends at the certificate lesson. It's to celebrating the victory of our school, SMAN 5 Malang, as the overall champion in the IT8.

Nearly an hour has passed. The library was cleaned off, and the school time was almost over.
I excused myself to Madame Wita and Miss Librarian.

After school, I went to Dodikjur to doing my fencing practice. But there wasn't any practice. Mr Pieter, the coach, gathered us together and talked about the Regional Championship that will be held few days ahead. I'm participating too, though I'm still that one of the weakest athlete...
He told us to be prepared physically and mentally. And ordered us to clean up the equipments and packing them up.

After done, we finally can go home. I went home by riding with my senior, Andre. Andre-senpai told me that he wants to buy perfume first, and asked me if it was ok. I answered sure, I wasn't in a hurry.
And then he brought us to a little perfume shop at the roadside.

Great Parfum.

Andre-senpai then started to look around the shelves, looking at the perfumes. While I took my seat.

"Can I help you, Sir?" The shopkeeper approached us.
"Oh, yes. I was looking for a sweet-scented perfume."
"We have many of that kind, Sir. Which one do you like?"
"The one with really sweet scent. I remember this one called Sexy Gravity. Do you have it?"
"Oh, that one. Yes, right away, Sir."

Those two was chatting about perfumes for almost an hour. I didn't understand a shit!
I even saw a bottle with the text "Eau de Toilette" written on it. What was it actually for? Perfume for toilets??
Blueberry, Butterfly, Rosemary, Vanilla... well, I still can imagine how those would smell.
But things like Sexy Gravity or Blue Water or Paradise Island?? I just couldn't imagine...

Just when I thought that we could finally go home after Andre-senpai finally finished choosing and bought 3 bottles of perfumes...


 Yup. Andre-senpai actually run his own online BB shop.

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