Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Why I Love Cemetery Ground

the cemetery ground in my place
Cemetery ground, aside from its function for burying dead people, is very nice place I think.
It's green.
It's peaceful.
It gave the calm atmosphere.
It's far from the noise of the crowds.

Even though for some people it mostly gives the goosebumps, well, not for me.
The trees, the plants, the smell of the Cambodia flowers...They're all really nice.

When I enter the ground, I always say the greetings, for the 'people' that might also live on that ground. It's just that we can't see them.
There must be times when someone went panic or scared when they were left alone on that ground, thinking that something 'invisible', a scary being is watching you. Or... want to disturb you.
But hey, we're the one who came to visit. It's their 'home', and we're the guest! Of course, by the social etiquette, it is a must to greet the one we will come to visit.
 Don't you think so too?
another cemetery ground

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